About us

Motto: Peace and Goodness


The association aims on spreading the thoughts of the social doctrine of the Church and its practical implementation in the society. Topical seminars, lectures, and discussions organized by the association contribute to cultivating the civic society.
The motto of St. Benedict Pray and work! have formed the Christian Europe for centuries. Today the efforts to return back to this focus seem to grow in importance.
The KAP association is available for all people of good will, who want to change our society in the sense of the social doctrine, so that everyone can live and work in digninty.

The Christian and Labour association (hereinafter “KAP”) is a member of the European Movement of Christian Employees (Europäische Bewegung Christlicher ArbeitnehmerInnen – EBCA) seated in Bussels, and the European Centre for Employee Questions (Europäisches Zentrum für Arbeitnehmerfragen – EZA), seated in Königswinter in Germany, whose main aims are dialogue, education and support of social and economic development of society.
The KAP association cooperates with EZA on preparation of international seminars in Velehrad, and on lecturing and publishing activities. On its establishment, KAP came from the fundamental idea of Christian responsibility for the society they live in.” It has never lost its topicality.

Partner organizations:

  • KAB – Katholische Arbeitnehmer-Bewegung, Movement of Catholic Employees in Germany, Austria and Switzerland
  • Solidarność – Polish Solidarity
  • NKOS, Nezávislé kresťanské odbory Slovenska – Independent Christian Unions of Slovakia
  • ZKRS, Zväz kresťanských robotníkov a zamestnancov Slovenska – Union of Christian Workers and Employees of Slovakia
  • ACLI,  Associazioni Cristiane Lavoratori Italiani – Association of Christian Workers of Italy
  • ACO France
  • HOAC – Hermandad Obrera de Acción Católica Spain
  • KWB Belgium
  • LOC – Liga Operária Católica Portugal
  • EAPN CZ – European Anti Powerty Network, Czech Republic
  • UO – Unum omnes – World Catholic Men Movement
  • SKS – Sdružení křesťanských seniorů – Association of Christian Senior Citizens, Prague, Czech Republic
  • KOK ČR, Křesťanská odborová koalice – Christian Union Coalition

KAP history:

established in 1996. establisher †JUDr. Bedřich Vymětalík, passed away in 2018. The first chair, Ing. Jiří Stejskal, served till 2000, from 2000 on Ing. Jiří Konečný. From 1997, JUDr. Vymětalík started to organize weekend seminars in Velehrad under the heading of the Christian Institute in Ostrava; from 2008 the KAP association overtook the organization of the seminars with financial support from EZA. In 2016, the association was transformed into the recent “registered  association”; In 2021 there were published the 25-year anniversary annals.